About LeyVa
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Annual School Plans (CSSP & SPSA)
Principal's Message
Dear LeyVa Middle School families,
It is a great honor to be principal of LeyVa Middle School, a California Gold Ribbon School. LeyVa is a school with a rich and diverse history of excellence in academics and athletics. I am incredibly excited to lead your child on his or her journey at LeyVa Middle School at such a crucial transition as he or she moves from elementary to high school.
LeyVa Middle School proudly offers parents and students two instructional choices. Whether you chose Bulldog Tech or Bulldog Pathways, we promise to give your child the most engaging and excellent education — an education to serve him or her in the 21st Century where we all must communicate effectively, think critically, collaborate, and be creative problem solvers.
The doors will open for the 49th time on August 19. Your child can look forward to an amazing year with strong academics and extra-curricular activities. It’s critical to encourage him or her to get involved with sports, clubs, school spirit, dances or other school activities. It will support him or her with connecting with the school community and will lead to friendships that he or she will have for a lifetime.
Another key to our success is clear collaboration and communication between home and school. Expect weekly email communication from us or come to a Coffee Talk, our monthly parent meeting with the admin team. We look forward to having you contribute your ideas and passion to make our community even stronger.
I look forward to an incredible year — preserving tradition while preparing for the future. Go. Bulldogs!
Jim Grassi
Mission Statement
Students will be inspired to reach their full academic and social potential. We will use the strengths of each individual to build an inclusive and collaborative school campus for students, parents, and staff.
Vision Statement
LeyVa Middle School will be the model for excellence in academics, social-emotional supports, and athletics.